(661) 200-0694
(310) 546-8156
Languages Spoken
English, Spanish
Office Locations
- 1801 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93301
Size of Firm
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1801 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93301
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Law Firm / Lawyer Profile
The Law Offices of Mickey Fine represents those who have been seriously injured as a result of the negligence of others and the loved ones of those who have suffered wrongful death. Located in Bakersfield, California, we serve clients throughout California and Central California, including Allensworth, Bakersfield, Delano, Lamont, McFarland, Shafter, Wasco, and all of Kern County. With over 25 years of experience helping injury victims, Mr. Fine has established an excellent track record of success. Our lawyers have represented clients in over 75 jury trials.
Mr. Fine handles personal injury cases involving car accidents, truck accidents, and motorcycle accidents, other motor vehicle accidents, construction accidents, oil rig accidents, farm accidents, premises liability, slip and fall, brain injury, spinal cord injury, burn injuries, other catastrophic injuries, and wrongful death. We have the resources and skills that you expect from a large firm, but take a very personalized approach with each client and family. We will guide you through each step of the process from start to resolution, and we are happy to answer all of your questions. No question is too trivial.
Practice Areas
- Motorcycle Accident
- Wrongful Death